Experience a relaxation therapy like never before
with FloatSPA's Premium Float Pod. Designed for effective relaxation
in a totally clean, energy-efficient and safe environment.
What is FloatSPA?
FloatSPA utilizes the proven benefits of sensory deprivation therapy to deliver an extraordinary experience for spas, health and wellness centres. Floating on
a dense salt-water solution, guests are allowed to float freely within the tank –
sheltered from the external distractions of light, sound, touch and smell.
Feeling completely weightless, guests are free to fully relax & rejuvenate.
An Extraordinary Wellness Experience
By freeing up the mind and body from external stimuli via sensory deficit, FloatSPA creates
room to breathe for the brain and nervous system. Also known as REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy),
the mind is redirected from processing to a new task of deep relaxation, seeking alpha and theta brainwave states.
Similar to meditation, massage therapy and yoga; one hour of floating is said to be equivalent of 4 hours of REM sleep.
Superior Hygiene,
100% Water Filtration
The entire pod volume of water is replaced
and cleaned between consecutive sessions,
using a 4-stage filtration system inspired by
Olympic swimming pools.
Complete Mental &
Physical Rejuvenation
Floating therapy is proven to heal the mind, body and skin. REST releases endorphins to help
against anxiety & depression, whilst the weightlessness alleviates pressure in
the muscles, spine and joints aiding recovery.
Lastly, the Epsom salts in the pod solution
offers a purifying skincare treatment.
Maximal Operational Effectiveness
& Efficiency
The FloatSPA pod never uses the same water for consecutive sessions, offering unparalleled hygiene performance. The automated self-cleaning system, and its convenient design saves both
operating time and money.
How the FloatSPA Pod works
During a flotation session, the client rests in a weightless state within
a sensory-controlled environment. A complete physical and mental
unwinding experience.
- The pod fills up with water & Epsom salt, as the guest
prepares with a shower. - Treatment parameters are set on the touch display.
- The guest enters the open pod and lowers lid in their own time.
- Audio greeting notifies guest that the session is about to start.
Light & Audio therapy may also be explained to the guest via
the speakers. - The guest is free to float and relax for the desired duration.
- At the end, an audio message gently notifies the completion
of the session. - As the guest showers off, the water is completely drained
and filtered in preparation for the next guest.
Health Benefits
Immersion into a sensory sheltered environment, whilst suspended weightless in purifying salt-water, has profound health benefits; both physiological
and psychological.
Better Sleep, Memory & Creativity
Immune System
Pain Relief & Recovery
Click here to learn more about the many health benefits of floating

The FloatSPA system, delivery & installation, as well as planning consultancy
is offered across Scandinavia, Greece and Cyprus by ExclusivelySpa.